In all patients, the use and abuse of cannabis should be addressed. Treatment depends on the clinical presentation, the age of the patient, and the presence of other legal or illicit substances. For the patients experiencing significant discomfort, having panic and rapid heartbeat, loss of coordination mild drowsiness, trouble breathing, dizziness and nausea our IV […]


Myers Cocktail was developed by Dr. John Myers in the mid-1950s and contains a mix of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that are delivered directly to your bloodstream through an IV. This allows for higher levels of these nutrients to be absorbed by your body than if you were to take them orally. Myers Cocktail  […]


All of us have had our evenings of indulgence when we just can’t seem to stop reaching for that next round. It is all fun and games until the next morning arrives! Find relief from your hangover quickly with this hangover IV therapy that includes anti-nausea and anti-heartburn medications, detoxifying antioxidants, natural anti-inflammatories, and replenishing  […]